[CVE-2022-0824] Lỗ hổng kiểm soát truy cập không đúng trong trình quản lý tệp của webmin
CVE-2022-0824 Improper Access Control vulnerability in File Manager
This exploit takes advantage of the post-auth Improper Access Control vulnerability in File Manager. This exploit could be done by any less privileged authenticated attacker. It will download a .cgi file remotely from an attacker-controlled server and modify its permission to be a world-executables file. Once this is done, it will execute the .cgi file to establish a reverse connection to the attacker-controller server with root privileges.
Version affect:
Webmin 1.984 and below
POC public in the wild:
Affected endpoint:
Upgrade webmin to last version
Restrict access webmin use VPN or access server