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Decoding the Relationship Between Machine Learning and Data Science

2023/11/27 01:26

The term "Machine Learning" has become a prominent buzzword in today's world, yet its presence has been pervasive for quite some time, often without our conscious awareness. Consider the algorithms behind platforms like YouTube, shaping the recommendations for your next video. These algorithms analyze your viewing history, the channels you frequent, video durations, and content topics. In essence, YouTube "learns" from your viewing patterns, employing Machine Learning to suggest videos based on your preferences—a phenomenon you've likely experienced for years.

Data Science, a broad field encapsulating various domains, includes Machine Learning among its multifaceted components. Within the expansive landscape of Data Science, diverse techniques, such as Statistics and Artificial Intelligence, are harnessed for Data Analysis to extract meaningful insights.

This article delves into the integration of Machine Learning within Data Science, exploring its role in Data Analysis and the extraction of valuable insights from datasets.

Data Science vs. Machine Learning

The Role of Machine Learning in Data Science

Data science revolves around extracting insights from raw data, often by delving into granular details to understand complex behaviors and trends. Machine learning plays a pivotal role in this process, particularly when precise estimations are needed for a given dataset. For example, predicting whether a patient has cancer based on bloodwork results can be achieved by employing machine learning algorithms. These algorithms learn from a substantial set of examples - patients with and without cancer, along with corresponding lab results - until they can accurately predict a patient's cancer status based on their lab data.

Machine learning streamlines the data analysis process

Machine learning autonomously analyzes extensive datasets. It essentially streamlines the data analysis process, providing real-time, data-driven predictions without human intervention. A data model is automatically constructed and continuously refined for real-time predictions. This is where Machine Learning Algorithms play a crucial role in the data lifecycle.

The typical sequence for machine learning begins with inputting the data for analysis, defining specific features for the model, and constructing a data model accordingly. The data model is then trained using the initial training dataset. Once the model is trained, the Machine Learning Algorithm is poised to make predictions when presented with a new dataset.

Let's illustrate this with an example. Consider Google Lens, an app allowing users to take a picture of someone with a good sense of dressing and then assisting in finding similar clothing items.

In the app's first step, it recognizes the product it's examining - whether it's a pair of jeans, a jacket, or a dress. Features of different products are defined; for instance, a dress has shoulder straps, no zippers, and holes for arms on each side of the neck. The app creates a model of what a dress looks like based on these defined features. When a picture is uploaded, the app examines existing models to identify the item, leveraging Machine Learning Algorithms to make predictions and display similar clothing models.

In summary, this workflow for machine learning in data science involves data input, feature definition, automatic model creation, training, and real-time predictions, as exemplified by applications like Google Lens.

Diagram 1: 5 Major Steps in the Machine Learning Data Science Life Cycle

Major Steps in the Machine Learning Data Science Life Cycle

The diagram presented above illustrates the procedural stages for training a data model and obtaining data to inform business decisions. Let's delve into the execution of these steps:

1. Data Collection
The foundational step in Machine Learning is collecting relevant and reliable data. The quality and scope of data directly influence the outcome of the Machine Learning Model. This dataset, as discussed in the preceding section, serves as the basis for training your data model.

2. Data Preparation
Data Cleaning initiates the overall Data Preparation process, ensuring that the dataset is ready for analysis. This step involves eliminating erroneous or corrupt data points and standardizing the data into a uniform format. The dataset is then divided into two parts - one for training the data model and the other for evaluating the trained model's performance.

3. Training the Model
The learning phase begins here. The training dataset is utilized to predict output values, acknowledging that the initial predictions may deviate from the desired outcomes. Iteratively, adjustments are made, and the training data is employed to enhance the prediction accuracy of the model.

4. Model Evaluation
Following the completion of model training, the next step involves evaluating its performance. The evaluation process utilizes the dataset set aside during Data Preparation, which has not been used for training. Testing the data model against this new dataset provides insights into its real-life application performance.

5. Prediction
While the model is trained and evaluated, it's not necessarily perfect or ready for deployment. Further refinement occurs by tuning parameters. Prediction represents the final step in Machine Learning, where the data model is deployed, leveraging its learned capabilities to respond to inquiries effectively.

Machine Learning models are trained to identify transactions that exhibit suspicious characteristics

3 Machine Learning Use Cases in Data Science

As previously mentioned, Machine Learning has silently permeated various sectors for years, shaping our daily experiences without explicit recognition. Its applications span across diverse domains, from financial institutions to the entertainment industry, contributing to the functionality of widely used applications such as Google Maps, Microsoft Cortana, and Alexa. Here are three prominent real-life applications of Machine Learning in Data Science:

1. Fraud Detection
Banks employ Machine Learning for fraud detection, enhancing customer safety. Machine Learning models are trained to identify transactions that exhibit suspicious characteristics based on predefined features and transaction patterns. This application extends not only to financial institutions but also to private enterprises, ensuring the security of consumers.

2. Speech Recognition
Voice assistants like Siri rely on Machine Learning for speech recognition, deciphering user input and generating intelligent responses. Machine Learning models undergo training on various human languages and accents, enabling them to convert spoken words into text and formulate contextually relevant responses. This technology enriches the user experience by facilitating seamless interaction with devices.

3. Online Recommendation Engines
Online recommendation engines leverage Machine Learning to offer tailored suggestions to users. Platforms like Amazon, YouTube, and Facebook utilize Machine Learning models trained on customer behavior, past purchases, and browsing history to provide personalized recommendations. Whether it's suggesting products, videos, or friends, these recommendation engines enhance user engagement by anticipating and meeting user preferences.

Final thoughts

Modern organizations are increasingly recognizing the transformative potential of data to enhance their products and services. The primary objective of this article was to elucidate the relationship between Data Science and Machine Learning, showcasing how Machine Learning contributes to streamlining the work of Data Scientists.

In practical situations, such as online recommendation engines, speech recognition systems like Siri and Google Assistant, and the detection of fraud in online transactions, the collaboration between data science and machine learning yields valuable insights. This synergy underscores the capability of Machine Learning to analyze data and extract meaningful insights.

Given this integration, it is reasonable to conclude that Machine Learning is poised to become a pivotal technology in the foreseeable future. It is anticipated to play a crucial role in the development of highly productive applications and is expected to maintain its status as one of the most sought-after technologies in the field of data science.
