IoT Trends In 2020

2019/10/07 15:18

Which technologies will be embraced by the market and domestic users? Let's predict some IoT technologies in 2020:

1. Transition from Consumer IoT (CIoT) to Industrial IoT (IIoT)

First, let's look at the definition of Consumer Internet of Things. Consumer IoT or CIoT is an ecosystem of Internet-connected devices that enables businesses to enhance user experiences by incorporating "intelligence" into users' devices.

The consumer IoT market has been thriving for the past five years but is showing signs of slowing down. This indicates that the Industrial IoT (IIoT) market will gain more attention as more companies begin to build industrial systems that require IoT implementation. The use of industrial IoT can minimize the occurrence of unexpected failures in information transmission, data processing, and centralized management.

2. IoT combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence and IoT are the two most prominent trends in the current technology market. Many experts have predicted the integration of AI and IoT in 2020, and it is certain to be implemented in various aspects of life.

IoT devices can be used as massive storage and data collection tools, and when combined with artificial intelligence, it will undoubtedly create a revolutionary technological breakthrough.

Tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, and even Google are developing and gradually applying artificial intelligence to their IoT devices. This serves as a testament to a not-so-distant future for the convergence of these two trends.

3. The development of 5G

The development of 5G mobile networks is expected to bring opportunities for IoT devices. With the speed of 5G, information and data transfer will occur at an astonishing pace, unlike anything we have seen in the current 4G era.;

Smart cities are undoubtedly one of the applications that will rapidly develop if 5G networks are deployed. With incredibly fast information transmission, operations of infrastructure and centralized management, smart cities will not encounter any significant obstacles.

4. Voice-integrated IoT: Beyond Smart Homes

Voice recognition is no longer a novelty in the market, especially in the real estate industry with the smart home market. However, with the rapid growth of the technology world, voice recognition continues to develop in various other aspects.

In addition to the smart home market, voice recognition-integrated devices are being deployed in industrial sectors, and these hands-free control devices will minimize production and operation costs while saving time for businesses. The combination of voice recognition and industrial IoT will make communication with customers easier than ever before.

(Source: technative, mobidev, iscoop)
